Helps salon, manicure and spa chairs
stay clean and sanitized

Lets customers feel safe in the salon! Fast & easy!

Box of 25 chair covers

Disposable Chair Cover


If you are a Professional Stylist, click here for PRO pricing

Free shipping with $50 purchase

Shipping to USA only (excluding territories)

Premium Quality - Tear resistant - Extra strong
Chemical resistant & waterproof
Fits most chairs & spa tables
71” x 59” (180cm x 150cm)

Box of 25 chair covers
Great for styling, shampoo area, manicure, pedicure, estheticians & massage therapists
For same client, you can take from styling chair to shampoo bowl

Single use - 100% recyclable clear plastic

NEED HELP CLEANING YOUR BRUSHES?Click here to try our Brush Cleaner

When sanitizing hair brushes, only use sanitizing products designed for hair brushes.
Please follow instructions provided by manufacturer of sanitizing product to maximize life of your brush, its technologies & performance.

LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY - Click here for details



Click here to try our Brush Cleaner

When sanitizing hair brushes, only use sanitizing products designed for hair brushes.
Please follow instructions provided by manufacturer of sanitizing product to maximize life of your brush,
its technologies & performance.

Click here for details


Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Linda Crago

These were perfect. Just what I was looking for.

Doreen Graca

Very happy with this product

Leisa Kanienberg
Excellent sanitation measure

These chair covers are ideal for covering your chair to keep them protected and to ease your clean-up in between people. I use them on-set and often times don't have time to do a full disinfection of my chair in between talent. They are large and cover my chair to the point of the seat and slightly below. I love that I know my chair is also clean and that I am not at additional risk from it being contaminated. The only draw backs are that they aren't the most environmental, though that is a trade off for your sanitation needs. I would prefer knowing that I am taking all precautions and I am sustainable in other ways in my work. Also, if you are working on a location and close to camera and sound, they can make a rustling noise from your client moving around at all while seated, so consider that when you are setting up.

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